Location: Meadows, Pavilions Greenroof
In Bloom: April and May
In Bloom: April and May
There are many beeches on the grounds of Glenstone, and the vast majority of them are the native American Beech, Fagus grandifolia. However, Glenstone does have a small stand of European copper or purple beeches, a cultivar called Fagus sylvatica 'riversii'. According to a 1680 horticultural text, all purple-leaved beeches can be traced back to five ancient trees growing in Zürich, which was recognized by UNESCO as an epicenter of beech development and a World Heritage Site in 2021. In Europe, Fagus sylvatica is a forest tree, sylvatica meaning "growing in the woods.” In the United States, copper beeches are grown as ornamentals or shade trees in parks and backyards.