Jeff Koons is one of America’s most recognizable, prolific, and polarizing artists. Known for paintings and sculptures that depict pop cultural touchstones, Koons draws on a deep understanding of art historical trends and precedents. His work is engaged in issues surrounding commodification, consumerism, and nostalgia. Koons’s sculpture Split-Rocker, 2000, is among Glenstone’s most iconic artworks, integrating art, architecture, and nature into a single work. Consisting of more than 24,000 living flowers replanted every year, Split-Rocker exemplifies Koons’s affinity for color, recognizable form, and the big and bright. Finding inspiration in his child’s rocking horse, one side of the sculpture depicts a pony, and the other side a dinosaur.
–Naseer Haynes Alvarez, from the Glenstone Field Guide